Meeting with veterans of the Great Patriotic War was organized by the Department of Nutrition.

The 2nd of February of 2015 year there was a meeting of the faculty members of the Department of Nutrition with veteran of Great Patriotic War, a retired colonel and defender of the Brest Fortress – ZhumatovGabbasZhumatovich. The veteran was congratulated by students of 2nd course of general medicine faculty, group 038-2 and students of 2nd course of medical-prophylactic faculty, group 003-1.

GabbasZhumatovich was born in 1918 in Bayan-Aul in the teacher’s family. The family had 10 children. In the early thirties, the family moved to Alma-Ata. The veteran graduated the College of Communication, after which he worked in the specialty.

In 1939 he was drafted into the army as a signalman. The duty began in the Brest Fortress. He served in the 204th howitzer artillery regiment of the 6th Infantry Division. He participated in the war all 1418 very thorny days. Front-line roads – Brest, Moscow, Kakhovka, Budapest, Vienna. He was contused, wounded, but he did not give up, thinking about the homeland.

In Belarus from “encirclement” and local recruits of front areas was formed the 537th artillery regiment reserve gun Head command, where Zhumatov was appointed commander of the platoon control artdivizion.

Member of the first parade.

The 22nd of June of 1942 year in the trenches of Gzhatsk was adopted in party. In winter of 1942 year he was recalled from the front and was sent to the rear – in Tomsk. There was moved Dnepropetrovsk guards red banner school. Five months later received a lieutenant shoulder straps and was again sent to the front. Now on the southern direction, the fifth Don сossackсavalryсorps of the Red Banner. Two and a half yearsfought at war with the Cossacks. There was appointed commander of the platoon firing and later, by the end of the war – the battery commander. Ended the war in Budapest. He participated in celebration of the 850th anniversary of Moscow.

He was awarded with the Order of the Patriotic War of the first degree, a medal for the city of Budapest, the medal “For the Defense of Moscow”, Honorary Silver Cross with Gold wings “For the revival of the Cossacks” and Cossack saber (15 May, 2010).

GabbasZhumatovich has three children. All children are medical workers, they save the lives of others with courage, strength and indifferent, as did their father for the sake of the Motherland.

Employees of the Departmentof Nutrition and students of KazNMU presented to veteran of Great Patriotic War fruit basket and a commemorative gift, as a gratefulness for a wonderful future that we have.