Students’ Science – 2013

In April 23rd has passed III round of competition of research works of students and young scientists KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov. In the section “Public Health and Management in Health Care” was attended by the Department of Public Health, 3 students preventive health department of the 5th year (1 oral presentation and two posters of the national language).

As a result of competition among oral presentations took 1st place 5th year student Abdilda Gabit made a presentation on the topic: «Учаскелік мейірбикенің медициналық – әлеуметтік сипаттамасы» (scientific adviser assistant professor of the Department of Public Health Kozhekenova J.A.).

Among the posters took first place 5th year Myrzabaeva Zhansaya on the topic: «Студенттердің кальянның зияндылығы туралы ақпараттандырылғандығын бағалау» (scientific adviser teacher of the Department of Public Health Darmen N.J.).

In May 3rd, 2013 at the conference of young scientists «Студенттік ғылым-2013» Students and scientific advisers were awarded diplomas and certificates.