Participation of students in the event “No corruption!” dedicated to the implementation of anti-corruption policy KazNMU

It is common knowledge that during the 2016-2017 academic year, as in previous years, the KazNMU is conducting a purposeful and fruitful anti-corruption work.

Today we can say with confidence that the public opinion in support of anti-corruption activity was formed by joint efforts of the Ethics Council of the university, faculty and student assets. In this regard, one of the important aspects of combating corruption is the participation of students; Formation of anti-corruption worldview and prevention of corruption offenses among young people.

A vivid example of the implementation of this mission was the event, held on 28 February 2017, with students’ initiative on the topic: “There is no corruption.” It is no accident that during the extra-long-term time the hostel was chosen as a venue for the action, which was facilitated by the participation of more students of the faculty in the context of courses and specialties.

The work was organized under the guidance of the teachers of the department “Public Health” – Aitmanbetova AA, Department “Nutritionology” – Chuenbekova A.B., Department. ” Communal hygiene” – Tekmanova AK, in accordance with the approved plan of the faculty.

The program of the event is developed, agrees with the Anti-Corruption Policy of KazNMU, it was interpreted by the Advisor to the rector, chairman of the Ethics Council, prof. Mustafina Zh.G., and became available and adapted for the student audience.

The event is conducted in the state language; Illustrated with presentation and video. The format also included a competition of posters, reading poems from the creativity of students, thematic scenes and plots.

The organizers of the action, in their speeches referred to the directive and normative documents (Anti-Corruption Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2025, Anti-Corruption Policy of KazNMU, Strategic Plan of the University for 2017-2021, Rules of Internal Educational Procedure, Code of Honor of the Teacher of KazNMU, The Code of Honor of a student of KazNMU, etc.), which regulate the activity of the university in countering corruption.

In the closing speech of deputy. Dean on social and educational work Uvazhanova AS, emphasized the importance of the social and educational activities of the dean’s office, which is aimed at implementing ethical principles and moral values among students.