History of HIV Infection and Infection Control Division

HIV infection and infection control Division was established in AsfendiyarovKazNMU in January 2011. In March 2011 through June 2016 training on HIV and Infection Control was also provided at the Institute of Continuous Education, KazNMU. In addition to issues related to HIV infection, teaching is also provided on infection control for Healthcare associated infections.
The educational process at the HIV infection and infection control Division is based on UNESCO concept of learning as “the process that connects the human experience (at the level of the individual and of the external environment) and various effects for the acquisition, enrichment or changes in knowledge, skills, values, attitudes, behavior and views of the world”.
This takes into account the need to transform the goals and daily practices of training to meet the new challenges of the 21st century, the need of knowledge of basic subjects and specific topics of the 21st century, technology ownership, innovation and social skills
Fluency in English allows the Division Chair to constantly update training material in accordance with the latest research and practice data on the issues related to HIV infection and infection control. During the training course an innovative pedagogical approaches recommended for better absorption, storage and use of educational material are used.
In addition to traditional methods, a variety of innovative forms of training are used: clinical reviews, case studies and decision making based on case, role games, small group discussions, “brainstorming”, seminars on related topics, PowerPoint presentations, “learning through research”, discussions on viewed educational videos.
Educational tools developed by Division faculty strengthen the teaching process. Among them: “HIV Prevention in dentistry”, a textbook on Russian and Kazakh languages, Almaty, 2010; “HIV infection: clinics, diagnosis, treatment and prevention”, training manual in Russian and Kazakh languages, Almaty, 2010; Textbook “HIV”, Almaty, 2014, 234 p.; New educational technology in DVD format “Prevention of Infections associated with medical devices in health care organizations”, 2013.


Division Chair Nugmanova Zhamilya, MD, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

tel. +7 777 698 0879, [email protected], graduated with distinction from Almaty State Medical Institute (currently, Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University) in 1972. As a Chair of the Division, she is responsible for training in HIV care and enhancing KNMU’s recent commitment for biomedical research. Under her supervision two doctoral and 12 master’s theses were defended, she has about 200 publications. Additionally, she has studied at University at Albany School of Public Health.

Research Projects:

  1. KNMU internal research grant, 05/01/16-12/31/16

“The role of chronic inflammation, and alteration of adaptive immunity in the pathogenesis of accelerated aging in HIV infection”, Role: PI

  1. KNMU internal research grant, 02/01/15-12/31/15

“HIV, HIV/HCV, and HIV/TB Infections in Almaty: Clinical Course; CCR5 and CXCR4 Tropism; CCR5 gene deletion; Molecular Genotyping of M. Tuberculosis in Patients with HIV/TB”, Role: PI

  1. KNMU internal research grant, 01/01/13-12/31/13, “Socially Determined Blood Borne Infections”, Role: Co-PI
  2. Glaxo Smith Kline Export LTD, 01/14-06/30/14, “Prospective epidemiological study of HLA-B*5701 allele distribution among 200 PLWH”, Role: PI

Dr. Nugmanova has worked closely with many of the implementing agencies in Kazakhstan on HIV and Infection Control related issues. Among them: AIHA, UNICEF, GIZ, EUNIDA/GIZ, ICAP/PEPFAR. She is Member of International AIDS Society, Coordinator for KNMU of the NYS ITRP DMS, SUNY.

As the results of her collaboration with international organizations the following agreements were achieved:

  • Agreement on cooperation between KazNMU School of Public Health and the New York State University at Albany, USA;
  • Memorandum of Cooperation on the distance learning between KazNMU, the Institute of retraining of medical personnel, Kyrgyzstan, Republican Center for Family Medicine, Tajikistan and Tashkent Institute for Continuing Medical Education under the auspices of GIZ (2011 – 2014);

Agreement between KazNMU and EUNIDA / GIZ on infection control and work with HIV Key population, 2012-2013

tel. +7 777 698 0879, [email protected], graduated with distinction from Almaty State Medical Institute (currently, Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University) in 1972. As a Chair of the Division, she is responsible for training in HIV care and enhancing KNMU’s recent commitment for biomedical research. Under her supervision two doctoral and 12 master’s theses were defended, she has about 200 publications. Additionally, she has studied at University at Albany School of Public Health.
Research Projects:

1. KNMU internal research grant, 05/01/16-12/31/16
“The role of chronic inflammation, and alteration of adaptive immunity in the pathogenesis of accelerated aging in HIV infection”, Role: PI
2. KNMU internal research grant, 02/01/15-12/31/15
“HIV, HIV/HCV, and HIV/TB Infections in Almaty: Clinical Course; CCR5 and CXCR4 Tropism; CCR5 gene deletion; Molecular Genotyping of M. Tuberculosis in Patients with HIV/TB”, Role: PI
3. KNMU internal research grant, 01/01/13-12/31/13, “Socially Determined Blood Borne Infections”, Role: Co-PI
4. Glaxo Smith Kline Export LTD, 01/14-06/30/14, “Prospective epidemiological study of HLA-B*5701 allele distribution among 200 PLWH”, Role: PI

Dr. Nugmanova has worked closely with many of the implementing agencies in Kazakhstan on HIV and Infection Control related issues. Among them: AIHA, UNICEF, GIZ, EUNIDA/GIZ, ICAP/PEPFAR. She is Member of International AIDS Society, Coordinator for KNMU of the NYS ITRP DMS, SUNY.
As the results of her collaboration with international organizations the following agreements were achieved:
• Agreement on cooperation between KazNMU School of Public Health and the New York State University at Albany, USA;
• Memorandum of Cooperation on the distance learning between KazNMU, the Institute of retraining of medical personnel, Kyrgyzstan, Republican Center for Family Medicine, Tajikistan and Tashkent Institute for Continuing Medical Education under the auspices of GIZ (2011 – 2014);
Agreement between KazNMU and EUNIDA / GIZ on infection control and work with HIV Key population, 2012-2013